"It does not matter whether or not a Peruvian architecture. What matters is that today, in Peru, we try hard, and not just the architects to make and is made a good architecture. As well, this will fit the site and the time spontaneously and naturally without resorting to a criterion of Peruvianism established a priori, that was the romantic misunderstanding "
José García Bryce:" 150 years of Republican Architecture . Bulletin No. 11 of the Society of Architects. Lima, November 1961
More than five (5) years was hard to imagine that Lima would be the movement that has now, especially in the construction field. The construction industry is, in this time, bearing the flag and leading the continued growth we have been experiencing over the last 3 years.
The changes that have been affecting the city of Lima, a product of Peru's economic recovery, have been extremely important in determining the new guidelines and benchmarks to make way for an orderly development of the other architectures to be deployed in the city.
Apparently, this "reactivation" of the economy has been badly caught the Peruvian architecture as the small bonanza that is experiencing, in contradiction to what one might think Lima is doing that look even more ugly and messy.

Lima is a diverse city where there are no terms of reference. The architect is without the support, usually provides the context, which means that the architect's work in any way is related to some kind of "consolidation."
Thus, currently, the project can feel free, is licensed to act on the ground without prejudice, knowing that when I laid the first stone of a building is the origin of an organism to grow in the future.
But unlike what you might think, the city has lost completely any trace of identity could ever have had. Lima is now a city without an identity and you could even say that the identity of Lima is no identity.
The truth of all is that we should not build anything in Lima. Moreover, consolidation would be to deny one of the most characteristic attributes of the city and to accommodate the residence, a quality at odds with the changing, unstable and mobile condition of the City of Kings. Hence, Lima is in transformation and change.

While we have defined in some way the city of Lima and their mobility. It is important to present some views that, given the scenario could see.
Lima is recognized that currently has no identity (or that has lost almost all), and the few traces that could give an indication of identification, are now ruined buildings and spaces on villages or misused.
Thus, you can take action on a static, ie Lima is from this time a mobile city, able to deploy in different places under different circumstances and conditions, while maintaining the ratio of applications it contains and their respective roles within it.

How should suggest or sketch a design method capable of accommodating the different layers information that the territory has yet materialized when custom made?
The idea of \u200b\u200burban space as essentially figurative reference, as a sum of characters set to formal definitions, gives way, then, evidence of a new space more random and wild, articulated a different scale, and no longer from the traditional continuity of the building but strength and neutrality of the major reference for structuring and those different events to ensure its self-development.
This mean that the design method to use for a home, commercial or institutional building will not change the range of motion Lima possessing at this time, but rather, are the planning policies, which transgresses the modern thinking they propose to organize and reorganize the space and the urban topography in Lima now presents.
Given the conditions the project to be undertaken should begin by accepting Lima (the city we love.) Based on the desire to respect and maintain their structure, which requires a deep knowledge of the city and the mechanisms by which it is built. The main references
will always be large projects, not only physically, but, more importantly, social scale. When you mention the word size, implies that projects and investments must be made always be backed by capital.
is undeniable that throughout history, great architecture has always been backed by purchasing power. Hence, currently, only a small percentage of Peru (around 20%) have access to good architecture.
is important to mention those who have access to the architecture level (which does not mean that they completely), because it leads to the following view of Lima. A part of our city that has been developed in one of the most beautiful and pristine beaches with which we were blessed.
The Asia Spa is located about 97km south of Lima. And covers about 5 km from the coast.
In recent years it has been populated by people "wealthy" (and those who want to be) under the title of exclusive condominiums. It is vital to pay attention to the term unique as it is to exclude, or at least "that excludes and / or have the force and virtue to exclude." (Universal Dictionary Hispanic).
Now we know we could try to communicate this title is right for all, namely, under what criteria or "virtues" owners of beach houses in Asia, claiming exclusivity? To be the exclusive means
surrounding the beaches, or in any case, leave them without access?

long been the wealthy families who settled in the district knew most important de Lima (San Isidro and Miraflores), in houses so large that recalled the days of farmers have had to give way to large lifeblood of the economy, that in times past was at the center of the city. Letting your home become huge residential and commercial buildings, and thus accept to live in apartments in the same place or houses in districts that now appear as purely residential (La Molina).
This "sacrifice" was compensated in some way with the introduction of these condos on the beach in Asia. In a season where I was able the past and enjoy the benefits of a home with all the necessary services and can attest to how each one is flashy, either through the furnishings, finished or because they say, by its architecture.
These new developments on the beach, were designed in such a way that by its strict (and sometimes stupid) rules limiting the ability to have complete creative designer so that it appears that all homes are equal.
The beach house understood as a few years ago, where every one to his house as he wanted, material and color I wanted I wanted to have disappeared almost entirely.
Then the limitations of form, height and color are in a quite aggressive and even discordant with what is supposed to be preached to a beach house. It is illogical that a beach house do not look to the sea, and even more illogical is that a beach house look at the back of another house if you look to the sea.
Hence, "... the beach house has undergone a process of evolution in the last 20 years. From a beach house in the desert rediscovered by surfers in the 60's, became a townhouse on the beach "Interview with Juvenal Baracco Bulletin Architect Ancral No. 5

On the other hand there is in Asia, population is permanent, that before the advent of new developments do nothing to cheer about since most of them will work as guardians, caregivers, etc. these new condos. They are the villagers in Asia, although it is true that not everyone likes that has surrounded and refused access to the beaches, it is understandable that most excites him the arrival of people "wealthy."

While the vast majority of existing houses in Asia, are tributes to the banal and decorative, to be understood that in the absence of policies on investment in projects for public use, and practically no existence investors willing to make large buildings (referents). The beach house is today for today, the cabinet having the Peruvian architect to speculate, experiment, and in turn, show the world.

Lima is a city without identity, able to accommodate people of high purchasing power and people living in extreme poverty. Lima
constantly changing, its infrastructure, its climate, its people, it is undeniable that because of this ephemeral and mobile condition of the city will be quite difficult to assign a new identity, since all, even the very concepts of territory, is constantly changing.
According to experts, the capital will come stronger in some years, the economic conditions of the people to change for the better, it is our duty looking ahead and trying to establish new standards that set the tone in the posterior development of the city . Designed so that the project to be undertaken should be understood as a reflection of how to build a new city.
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