Saturday, July 12, 2008

External Hard Drive For Tv


Soledad is listening outside traffic noise, and not feel it inside you make too much noise.
Soledad is how it feels when you get good news and not have to share it with
Soledad is how it feels when after a bad day have no one to mourn
Soledad is feeling alone and get a lump in my throat every Once
Soledad remembers is waking up, dressing, grooming, open the door and not having anyone to leave.
Loneliness hurts, and hurts
La Soledad is the imaginary kiss gives the shadow of the one you love ... and that is no longer.
Soledad is waking up one Saturday morning and not having Who to call
Loneliness is an absurd paradox that we are making ourselves to value others.
loneliness is hard and cold like a mirror where you see your reality
loneliness is not crying, loneliness
holds no flames, just sneaks up on you


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