The curious passer-by who roam the outskirts of the former headquarters of the Conde-Duque, now converted by the grace of the city council in a large cultural complex that includes exhibition halls, newspaper, public libraries historic, traditional printing and other services will not fail to notice a plaque placed on the lintel of the portal number 7 street which is inscribed this text:
The writer who was raised in this board, Alejandro Sawa 1 , the "grand bohemian, portrayed brilliantly by Valle-Inclan in the character Max Star "one of the last and happiest characters of English literature," not actually lived in this house. Cansino Assens in his brilliant account of the visit makes Sawa, early twentieth century (The novel by a writer), place him in a "shack alley vicinity of Black", next, by an irony of fate, both played in the life of the writer, the palace and gardens of the Duke of Alba.
Alejandro Sawa wrote, before becoming the symbolism novels "naturalists" terrible titles like "Women around the world" or "Breeding cures" that today almost no one reads. After his death, his diary was published posthumously "lights in the shadows" to which Manuel Azan Soler qualifies as "real bible of fin de siecle bohemian literature." Some time ago Andrew Trapiello, when they recover some belongings, letters, photographs, some personal memories, "of this wicked writer of glorious legend, wrote a profile of this character, noting particularly in his later years of life "painful, sad and opaque", during which he sometimes went for a walk with his dog called Leon, who got in trouble
Cansinos during the visit mentioned, by clearing the barracks of the Conde Duque. Sawa died, as stated in the plaque, March 3, 1909, at forty-seven years old, "left everything and everyone," and his burial in Eastern Cemetery, only two dozen people attended.

Today, when the hundredth anniversary of his departure just the world of the living, I write these lines in memory of this "High bohemian", which wrote this epitaph Manuel Machado: Never man born / for pleasure was the pain / more upright. / Never none has fallen / with look of winner / so undone.
Manuel Martínez Bargueño
October 2009
October 2009
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Thanks. Manuelblas
1 A recent biography of the writer is entitled "Alejandro Sawa. Luces de Bohemia "by Ramon Correa Amelina (Fundación José Manuel Lara. Sevilla, 2008). See criticism of this work by José Manuel Benítez Ariza at The Cultural World (02/27/2009). Nordic Editorial also coincide with the centenary of his death (2009) has re-edited the diary posthumously Sawa "Illuminations in the shadows "with introduction and prologue Trapiello Andrew Ruben Dario. Remembering Ramon Irigoyen "In the centenary of Sawa" in El País 04.04.1909.
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