few days ago, rummaging through old books in the Cuesta de Moyano casually stumbled a little novel that struck me the name of its author and its colorful cover, illustrated for Mosque. As it was in a lot of everything to 1 had no qualms € echármela pocket to examine quietly at home. It was number 100 in the collection The World Novel (Year III, 9 February 1928). Its title: The "step" and its author Pajares José García Mercadal. AbeBooks then I saw Consulting announced the sale of copies esta novela a 6 € y a 10€ .
El nombre de su autor no me era desconocido. En mi biblioteca personal tengo al menos dos obras de este autor aragonés: “ Viajes por España ”, una selección hecha por su autor de impresiones y comentarios de viajeros ilustres que han visitado nuestro país desde tiempos remotos hasta finales del siglo XIX, publicada por Alianza editorial en 1972 y una biografía ilustrada de Azorín en Ediciones Destino fechada en 1967.
Ahondando algo más en la biografía de este autor, me informo que fue un trabajador intelectual infatigable. José García Mercadal (Zaragoza 1883- Madrid 1975) pertenece to the great generation of writers, journalists in the first half of the twentieth century. As a journalist did everything to become director of "The Fair", the prestigious liberal newspaper founded by D. Eduardo Gasset. As a writer it was no fee. Intervened in the creation of "New Library" and in this editorial from the Ruiz Castillo published his monumental " Spain seen by foreigners" in 3 volumes (1917-1921) source document still must be consulted and cited on the subject, and a compilation of texts on Costa and Ganivet . In 1935 (or 1943, according to others) won the National Book Award for his work "History of English Romanticism ." During the civil war is aligned with the nationalist side of the hand of Giménez Caballero and Reconquista Editions published his unequivocal " Air, land, sea (the greatest episodes of the epic English). During the forties published endless biographies of historical characters with a character discloser: Cervantes, Cisneros, Churruca, the Empress Josephine, Gracian, Moliere, Andrea Doria, Maria Luisa of Austria and many more. Also made in life Azorín, Baroja and Pérez de Ayala important studies on their lives and work. Special mention should be writing for what was an inveterate traveler whose journeys reflected in works like " Between the Tagus and the Miño", "Spain Corners," "Pyrenees " or the copy dedicated to Zaragoza Encyclopedia of Chart. Much loved his home town and surroundings Zaragoza Aragon. Your city rescued the archives of General Palafox. La Gran Enciclopedia Aragonesa dedicates these warm praise: " monastery from his home, crammed with books and papers-radiated literary information for numerous national and international researchers who attended with caring helpfulness. "
The data that interests me now is not the biography of his encyclopedic knowledge nor the right-wing ideology, but that Garcia Mercadal was the director of the library "The Global Novel" appeared during the years of dictatorship of Primo de Rivera and short-lived (1926-1928). The National Research Council has published in his collection Brief Literature, directed by Alberto Sanchez Alvarez-Insua (I think it is the nephew of Alberto Insua) within the series devoted to short fiction, literary studies in this collection of wide circulation very popular at the time as " Weekly The Tale " The Short Novel" and several others. Much has been disputed whether this "literature kiosk encouraged reading or distorted taste. In my opinion, I understand that reading is always good, even popular novels. In my case I was, small, stubborn reader of comics and novels infumables teenager today I would blush to mention, but surely I got used to reading habit and taste, more, more substantial literary fruit. Reading, although not more than the newspaper, as, indeed, do many English, it is always advisable.
El nombre de su autor no me era desconocido. En mi biblioteca personal tengo al menos dos obras de este autor aragonés: “ Viajes por España ”, una selección hecha por su autor de impresiones y comentarios de viajeros ilustres que han visitado nuestro país desde tiempos remotos hasta finales del siglo XIX, publicada por Alianza editorial en 1972 y una biografía ilustrada de Azorín en Ediciones Destino fechada en 1967.

The data that interests me now is not the biography of his encyclopedic knowledge nor the right-wing ideology, but that Garcia Mercadal was the director of the library "The Global Novel" appeared during the years of dictatorship of Primo de Rivera and short-lived (1926-1928). The National Research Council has published in his collection Brief Literature, directed by Alberto Sanchez Alvarez-Insua (I think it is the nephew of Alberto Insua) within the series devoted to short fiction, literary studies in this collection of wide circulation very popular at the time as " Weekly The Tale " The Short Novel" and several others. Much has been disputed whether this "literature kiosk encouraged reading or distorted taste. In my opinion, I understand that reading is always good, even popular novels. In my case I was, small, stubborn reader of comics and novels infumables teenager today I would blush to mention, but surely I got used to reading habit and taste, more, more substantial literary fruit. Reading, although not more than the newspaper, as, indeed, do many English, it is always advisable.
To which we. One of the titles in this collection CSIC is who is devoted precisely to " The World Novel." The introduction and study of the collection is due to that Sánchez Álvarez-Insua and cataloging of its 130 issues was conducted by María del Carmen Barceló Santamaría. Thus, by reading this study I find that the publisher of the World The Novel was Rivadeneyra SA and its owner and developer Luis Montiel Balanzat (1884-1976), representative, with the director of the political right, but apriorists without sectarianism. Among the authors who appeared in the collection include Pio Baroja, Valle Inclan, Ramón Gómez de la Serna, Perez Ayala, Eugenio Noel et al. This same editorial published humor magazine Gutiérrez, led by K-Hito, the weekly collection Estampa and theatrical farce, some of whose numbers I remember seeing at home.
As acquired novel - "The" step "Pajares" - the story is minimal. At a meeting of friends, one of them as alien tells the following story: A young doctor, Fernando Morales, incidentally by Leon, Asturias way, is visiting the cathedral, "a beautiful woman, slender and graceful body, which is followed by the city to the door of a tavern not dare speak to him. The next day on the train has to drive you to Oviedo, Fernando coincide in the same department with the mystery lady ... and a priest who goes to join his new parish. Among the three begin a lively conversation over lunch and enjoy the scenery. Temporarily absent from the priest during a stop, his fellow travelers believe they have been on the ground and release the platform her suitcase and travel purposes [this very funny little scene recall having seen in the film "Sister San Sulpicio, adapted screenplay on the novel Palacio Valdés, with the protagonists of two nuns Andalusia (Seville Carmen Julia Caba Alba Galician and a doctor (Jorge Mistral)] - Reintgrado the priest asus clarifies the confusion seat without major problems. Alone at last the two young men, once arrived at their destination, the priest, Fernando, taking advantage of the darkness of a tunnel, he dares to plant a kiss to the beautiful, receiving in exchange a resounding slap and a reprimand. The lady, initially angry, but flattered at the bottom, she explains that she is married to a doctor and mother of two girls. Just forgive his audacity and reach the station of Oviedo has a husband and offspring. To leave the lady "Normal professor of Madrid" gives Fernando a coin with two pesetas to buy a candle and put it to the Virgin of Covadonga where the sanctuary is to visit soon. Fernando will crimp a fillet of gold this coin will always carry on a chain around his neck. Friends gathered at the end they discover that the narrator of this story and Fernando are the same person.
As we are a sappy story that serves the author, good traveler, to describe monuments and landscapes from the train at the transition between León and Asturias by passing Pajares, recently opened l (1925) the electrification of the line railway.
For stay with something written in pencil within the margin of the page for this portrayal of the Cathedral of León:
"There are, however, an impression that stays fresh and indelible memory more scatterbrained and forgetful of [passenger] that comes from the direct view of the warheads and ceiling of the huge openings of its walls and be pleasantly surprised by a whole world of flowers and fruit of real and imaginary animals of heraldic decorations and historical and biblical characters, who seem to have life in those wondrous windows. "
you not tell me that this is not take advantage of € 1.
© Manuel Martínez Bargueño
November, 2009
As acquired novel - "The" step "Pajares" - the story is minimal. At a meeting of friends, one of them as alien tells the following story: A young doctor, Fernando Morales, incidentally by Leon, Asturias way, is visiting the cathedral, "a beautiful woman, slender and graceful body, which is followed by the city to the door of a tavern not dare speak to him. The next day on the train has to drive you to Oviedo, Fernando coincide in the same department with the mystery lady ... and a priest who goes to join his new parish. Among the three begin a lively conversation over lunch and enjoy the scenery. Temporarily absent from the priest during a stop, his fellow travelers believe they have been on the ground and release the platform her suitcase and travel purposes [this very funny little scene recall having seen in the film "Sister San Sulpicio, adapted screenplay on the novel Palacio Valdés, with the protagonists of two nuns Andalusia (Seville Carmen Julia Caba Alba Galician and a doctor (Jorge Mistral)] - Reintgrado the priest asus clarifies the confusion seat without major problems. Alone at last the two young men, once arrived at their destination, the priest, Fernando, taking advantage of the darkness of a tunnel, he dares to plant a kiss to the beautiful, receiving in exchange a resounding slap and a reprimand. The lady, initially angry, but flattered at the bottom, she explains that she is married to a doctor and mother of two girls. Just forgive his audacity and reach the station of Oviedo has a husband and offspring. To leave the lady "Normal professor of Madrid" gives Fernando a coin with two pesetas to buy a candle and put it to the Virgin of Covadonga where the sanctuary is to visit soon. Fernando will crimp a fillet of gold this coin will always carry on a chain around his neck. Friends gathered at the end they discover that the narrator of this story and Fernando are the same person.
As we are a sappy story that serves the author, good traveler, to describe monuments and landscapes from the train at the transition between León and Asturias by passing Pajares, recently opened l (1925) the electrification of the line railway.
For stay with something written in pencil within the margin of the page for this portrayal of the Cathedral of León:
"There are, however, an impression that stays fresh and indelible memory more scatterbrained and forgetful of [passenger] that comes from the direct view of the warheads and ceiling of the huge openings of its walls and be pleasantly surprised by a whole world of flowers and fruit of real and imaginary animals of heraldic decorations and historical and biblical characters, who seem to have life in those wondrous windows. "
you not tell me that this is not take advantage of € 1.
© Manuel Martínez Bargueño
November, 2009
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