to the gold of life is lowered by Stefan Zweig many mines

Plus, with the elapse of time, Zweig's works, they lost popularity. He was considered "old fashioned" for his novels reflect a vanished world after the Second World War, suitable only for nostalgic and elderly people. Before that the writer, who was Jewish and therefore suffered Nazi persecution and exile, disillusioned and depressed by the course of the war, had committed suicide along with Lottie, his wife in a hotel in Petropolis (Brazil), 22 April 1942.
During the years of my youth, I read little Zweig, although one of his works, perhaps the only one that came to me and then I have not reread, "Piety dangerous " leila at a stretch in a dreadful popular library (Reno) and then I confess I was deeply impressed. Since I did not read anything else of his, though in my library, in that other books purchased purgatory and unread, I have several titles his own: the inevitable "highlights " " 24 hours life of a woman" , " Amok" " eyes eternal brother" editorial published by Apollo Barcelona maintained with hardcover bindings, plus a biography of Dostoevsky this Editorial Juventud.
in recent years has revived interest in Zweig's work, especially since the publication of his autobiography entitled "The World of Yesterday" (Editorial El Cliff,) described as "poignant" by the writer Rosa Montero 2 and I have not had a chance to taste, despite the insistent recommendations of some friends (one of my duties pending I hope to in 2010).
This successful recovery of Zweig's works 3 is favored by the author's belief that he displayed throughout his life and that are present in his work, his pacifism, his faith in moral progress Humanity challenged from the rise of Nazism in his country, and especially for his Europeanism, belief in a supranational Europe beyond nations that are fighting and war between them.
However, in my view, the reasons above are more publishers that, consonant with the current world situation, encourage the rescue of his works. Basically, what more could be interesting, I think, to new generations of readers are their literary, narrative skill, the perfect description of characters and environments, you know, in short, "the intricacies of the human soul" .
In this regard I have in my hands a book of stories today Zweig I recommend to readers of this blog. Its title is "Fantastic Night" (Narrative of the Cliff, Barcelona, \u200b\u200b2005) and is composed of seven magnificent stories, "Spring in the Prater "" In snow, "" Scarlet "awaken the life of a young student (" Does everything unknown and wonderful he craved was not attached to women, they were not guardians of the secrets, enticing and promising, willing and desired at the same time ", pp. 71-72);" The Governess, "" Summer Novelita "" Night fantastic " book's title, a strange and apathetic youth feels in a moment of your life an unexpected and sudden love for his fellow man ("I now felt that should open up, leaving me with a word, a look, share with others, scatter, to surrender myself and all redeem ... somehow get rid of that hard shell of silence that isolated me from the warm flowing element around me ", p.212).
I leave for my final choice " Payment of arrears " strong story written in epistolary form in which an older woman has another surprise encounter with an artist, the idol of his youth. Not to tell, but to be read.
Sometimes I hear there is a literature of men and a women. But that distinction of gender, its authors or readers, which is, I think, is good or bad literature. The Zweig, is, I have no doubt after reading this book of stories, is the best literature. Tell me, when you read it, if you agree.
© Manuel Martínez Bargueño
December, 2009
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NOTES 1. Antonio Muñoz Molina. Life ahead. A European. Country Weekly (do not keep the date marked.)
2 . Rosa Montero "A little light in the darkness." Country Weekly 5/12/1902
3. has recently published a biography of the author, the title of "The Three Lives of Stefan Zweig, in Olivert Matuschek (Role of Liar, 2009). A book rich and well resolved, critical opinion of Luis Antonio de Villena (El Cultural 24/12/2009).
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