C OLEG O., AC - Gay and Lesbian Committee of the West-is a combination of participation and social transformation, which has as main objective the promotion and rights of gay, lesbian, bisexual and trans fats, contributing to the free development of individuals in line with sexual orientation or gender identity. The mission is to promote sexual and reproductive health through empowerment and the exercise of citizenship of men and women LGBTTT community to achieve full inclusion in society.
This is the first edition of the newsletter of public opinion, a draft COLLEAGUE O., AC, which aims to integrate and involve the community on issues LGBTTT incumbent, featuring articles with recent information in this area , in a subjective way, and to invite reflection, criticism and opinion of what is experienced in sexual diversity. It will be a bimonthly newsletter, distributed via e-mail, and access to a blog where you can post comments and contact with people involved in it.
hope that in this way our population more visible in society, being informed, girls and thinking about it, so that our action will have good results. To accomplish this, we ask each and every l @ s readers to help us distribute this newsletter to your contacts and invite them / you to subscribe to future editions.
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