Ignacio Luis Genaro and recently celebrated their marriage in the Federal District and days after the beginning of April, Guadalajara in the capital went to the clinic # 1 IMSS to join a secure marriage. Surprise that they took the time to submit their papers and minutes of marriage to the clinic staff and this denied membership.
Are not they a couple of working citizens whose health care right? Will the IMSS staff thinks that their services are only for heterosexual couples or families and not for all unionized workers in this country? What about children who are part of these families but have attention from the IMSS or ISSSTE?
We're talking about an act of discrimination that has serious implications, and that any marriage legally constituted part of having the right to health services from IMSS or ISSSTE, are also entitled to other services to ensure the quality of family life, for example, support for housing credit that may give INFONAVIT.
health and housing are rights of workers have earned through a long process of struggle.
families or couples regardless of how they are formed, whether male or female homosexuals have the right to basic needs such as health, education, housing, employment etc. Luis
Gender and currently are taking their case through an injunction, which is one way to defend the requirement of this right. Moreover, the lawyer Hector Arteaga, said in an interview he gave to NotieSe that the best thing for gay couples married "is applying for membership through a trade, and if the request is rejected, is when you can bring an injunction before the district court or a complaint before the Federal Conciliation Board and arbitration. And if it happens that the trial favored the IMSS can request a review before a higher court and even bring it to the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation "(APA).
We noted that not only are the excluded sex workers but also their children. It is therefore important to ensure the delivery of health services to diverse families are can flourish in our country and then have the normal process of adoption in families that can ensure essential care to children.
I invite all couples sexual diversity consider that action to form a family by way of the law available to us and that's just a matter of advice and not fear the institutional homophobia events that may occur .
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