By: Cesar Navarro
Rodrigo is a young man of 27, who works as a psychologist in the field of popular education in a civil association called "Building Networks." Their job is to coordinate some sexual education workshops and implement rapid testing for early detection of HIV. The circumstances that helped decide to take that job, because for those months he had been reading about some models of sexual education, he read about the principles advised people to live out their sexuality, and so each time was more imbibing the subject, and fortunately, he was invited to participate in some tasks. Then he was offering to cover more activities, until each time it was investing more and more time in the organization. Today, on average work 20 hours a week in this place.
He had earlier worked as a psychologist in the educational psychology department of a school, work which was a big challenge, demonstrated how it could be professional and dedicated to providing quality service. This is not easy for a young man who does not have much experience, which is just out and faces doubts about ability has developed with their university education. But it went very well.
now not only works in the civil association "Building Networks", but has also ventured past 2 years of performance in a theater company called "Empire", which usually presents musicals, but also do children's theater and farce. Thanks to this has had to learn singing, a little jazz, tap, hip hop, etc.
She is very pleased to work with them, it is a multifaceted company, they also do modeling, performance, event coordination. Once fighters escorted about a parade in Ameca, made a choreography of the famous cumbia "the Holy One, the Cave, Blue Demon and the Bulldog ..." and took the fun way to further this work they were offered. Rodrigo has already played to make Spider-Man, Clown, and even that little angel to to blame for giving us the crush of love (Cupid).
In his acting career, has participated in children's plays such as Cinderella, The Mission, Puss in Boots, Alice in Wonderland and Princess, in farces such as Circo TV, pastorals as "unbelievable" and "3 Kings", the latter was U.S. in coordination with the consulate to submit to Mexican immigrants; musicals as Jesus Christ Superstar, Mamma mia, does Plantón, etc.
Occasionally I was invited to witness a play that worked in one of the major theaters of the city, was "The Hunchback of Notre Dame." At first, I did a bit of grace that Rodrigo, who always look happy, in harmony with friends, you are given a character evil man. But when I saw the play developing, I realized that Rodrigo can with that and more, it got more than one child of those who were in the audience, he hated. I witnessed his great talent.
But what pachanga!
Our interviewee tells how working in a production where actors gay, a great atmosphere in a weapon is a chatter in rehearsals, backstage, and also achieve good jobs, but in its view, that does not depend on are gay or straight, but the maturity of the people with whom you work.
actors should also observe ethical behavior, which has made observe their self respect for the work that is done well, and respect for colleagues, that has a pleasant climate for the work of all the discipline to be on time for all commitments, whether essays, presentations, etc., and to properly study the character it deserves.
What does a typical day in the life of Rodrigo?
Like many of us, he has to get up early to prepare breakfast. After this is going to work in theater, when you feature matinee. Upon leaving, he goes to the gym, then eat, and to continue working on Building Networks, attend rehearsals, etc. If possible, try to have coffee with friends, visit someone, but usually kept so busy, he says sometimes neglect their social life. After all this hectic schedule, ends his day with dinner, and sleep.
you always lived fully his homosexuality? Rodrigo
grew up surrounded by people who did not speak of the subject. He knew he was gay since the beginning of his adolescence, but the silence around him, not make things easier for him to say it openly. In those years (about 1995), it seemed unthinkable to come out for a teenager in high school.
But once it passed, and when was old, came with some difficulty the other hand, I was surrounded by people with ways of thinking such that they could not approve gay status. And, strategically waited to speak to his family when he was financially independent, just in case it does cause a rupture with his family. But a personal search, a thorough process during its life, it helped clarify their minds, to the extent that now he can proclaim himself openly gay, and say to other young people: everyone has their own life, and should be viewed, as they appreciate is. Rodrigo
is convinced that the gays need have or create more space for volunteer work, to develop our sporting abilities, for board games ... well, other than commercial sites.
And for the future ... said to want to enter more fully into the dance, learn circus (aerial dance), and pursue a Masters in Health Psychology. Good luck with all that, my Rodri! Contact
Look for your Facebook, Rodrigo Caldera. Date of birth: April 13, 1983.
Or seek the office of the theater company, located in the ICAT (Theatre Arts Training Institute) in Santa Finance Lucia 163, almost esq. Americas (near Plaza Patria).
also contact him through our Six Colors magazine.
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