Thursday, February 18, 2010

Updo Hairstyle For Ball

I think necessary and understandable ... having to post this article by Cesar Hildebrandt a delight ...

"Love is good, but money is better, "said Elizabeth Espino Vásquez, murders of his mother, Elizabeth Vásquez Marín.

was not only life insurance for $ 100.000, that the expected return to crime, but the enjoyment of a growing heritage that she had decided to finish just might.

hypocrites, some manufacturers of editorials called "horror" to the crime of Espino, "appalling" the circumstances surrounding it, "creepy" to the confession of the matricide.

But many years ago that Ms. Espino built for herself and her peers in generating a perverse society paradigm and world: one in which ethics is banished, boring generosity, decency is a nuisance and love can be a good phrase that "on February 14." We

Path, the more wild and radical guerrillas in Latin America. The because we deserved and that a country had to infect an anachronistic anachronistic guerrillas.

To combat the Shining Path, then build to Fujimori, the leader of one of the most despicable regimes on the continent. That is, fight crime with crime, Maoism mutant with the Hill.

drank from all this Miss Espino. But it was not the worst.

The worst thing would impunity, that cloud of asbestos that corrupts us inside.

A thief could clearly return to the presidency? Yes, I could. Both could that even come to work with Mario Vargas Llosa in an altruistic project.

A recycling Fujimori could get the amnesia of many and the few not to vote in elections? Yes, I could.

A mayor and regional president and fascist robber could avoid jail and expand to infinity, their aspirations? Yes, I could. Could and can.

And could swear "by God and for the money" and continue to attend the Congress? Sure you could.

And could, from the municipality of Lima, stealing public funds in large overestimates, and further holding a popularity rating and stratospheric approval? Absolutely.

What could a lobbyist with the American passport to black money from the post of prime minister next to a president who had gone to prostitutes and snorted cocaine according to a police document? Definitely could.

dignity Do not abundant in Peru? No, not plentiful.

And if anything could be, should it also could be like Robinson González and not die (civilians) in the attempt? No doubt.

What could ser como los Wolfenson, como los Winter, como el señor Crousillat, el que se moría del corazón y ahora se va a Buenos Aires a pegarse los tiros del crepúsculo? Se podía.

Y los que trabajaron con Umberto Jara en “Hora 20”, el inodoro del tardoFujimorismo, ¿podían luego reciclarse y aparecer en Canal 2 haciéndose los posmodernos y los machos cabríos sin memoria? Hombre, ponga usted Canal 2 a las 11 de la noche y ya verá.

¿Y se podía ser Lúcar y volver como líder de opinión? Sin lugar a dudas.

Y mientras eso sucedía, la televisión, que se había vuelto pupila de “Las Cucardas” y cobraba la felación piece, only corpses drew violent fire orphans, violaditas of sand, melted down crowded.

So Ms. Espino grew up watching Musiris blood, first blood and Fefer, later, amid the blood of the mother of the Llamoja, the blood that left marks in every feat , not to mention blood Tarata memory, mass graves filled with innocent people gunned down, the 8 year old boy killed in Barrios Altos.

As part of that whole lesson, as general education, say, came after the "every man for himself" liberal doses of rogue, the "voucher all "of the old culture combined, the" hands up "of those who" make "topping the country who can afford it (abolishing any notion of state, national strategy of industrialism itself.)

And now come to tell us what horrible, hear you, someone who kills his mother for money.

No, man, nothing to horrible. Ms. Espino did what the system recommended securities. Her mother was in between is an uncomfortable story is true, but the issue here is that we live in a country anéthic persuasively.

Congress, the Judiciary, the Constitutional Court, political parties, all in Peru seems to be rotting and being part of the problem.

The matricide is, after all, a tiny personal fact regarding the crime of killing Peru as possible identity of all.


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