Monday, May 16, 2011

Boobies Bracelet Hot Topic


The next edition of the Copa begins to look good. We are managing information and very slowly "cooked", but the truth is that seems to really be a revolution in the world of sailing.

According to the organization there are fourteen teams two French, two Italian, one Chinese, one Korean, one Swedish, one Australian, one New Zealander, four have not revealed his name, and the defender Oracle. It seems to me too, I see only solid Oracle, Team New Zealand and Artemis, though I imagine that the Chinese will have money for it and they will. Mascalzone challenger has since retired, and the investment for this Cup will be brutal. Since the first edition with these boats, everything is new, you can not buy a second hand boat to learn and draw conclusions. This means more new designs, more testing, more breaks, ultimately, more money and effort.

The first part of the competition, previous to the AC 45 will be very interesting, another thing will come to see how to get an AC72. A boat nearly twice as large loads means multiplying exponentially, the calculations are very complex, construction very complicated, and then you have to put them to navigate. If we have seen at 45 quite easily tumble to tame a beast of these with the winds usually blow in San Francisco appears too complicated.

Where are giving organizers the corn is in terms of incorporating new technologies into the organization and relay races. The juris equipped with all possible systems. Will blow their whistles away almost in front of computers that will go singing commitments, positions of the boats etc ... Will have to change some rules in their application to these races because the boats are so quick to judge the actions in some cases with the current rules is impossible. A curious fact, boats that are both juris water go jet skiing.

ships carry cameras everywhere imaginable and tables of performance are as in games football. It will be a great show and a great innovation for our sport. From August to the first test takes place in Portugal, we can draw conclusions about the innovations, but the first thing to be seen is how many teams make it to the first season trip to San Francisco.

Interesting video about the new Cup organization and technology in it.


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