By: Ricardo Pereyra
In this section we exit to the concerns of you, our readers ... and this time we address the central issue of the survey last six colors.
I used to say "not so modern" when he knew of loving relationships or unconventional sexual practices, such that my head is still named as 'indecent' but, to see that more and more people talk and interact in ways you me I have to think and inquire about them. How come there are or seem to be fashionable?
Now I know that love and relationships, goes Beyond the style.
When it comes to sexuality, we enter into polemics and controversies for the diversity of ideas and ways in which it is exercised.
backs to face the twentieth century XXI we find new types of relationships they have left behind traditional patterns covering sexual orientation openly allowed and accepted, which consequently sent the rest into the closet or in the absence of repression and annihilation.
diverse community empowering is this last dates of their experience, too readily accepting new models that enable us to relate according to our feelings and expectations, more in keeping with who we are and from a perspective individualist also involve rules and privileges that we are often not aware.
We're talking free, friendship with the right or, at latest dates the Polyamory, titles vary by age, circumstances and are more profound than it appears in all its forms.
Far from being a passenger behavior or fashion, allow us to experiment and develop the physical and emotional level, let us know as being friendly, loving, and above all sexual. As we paying attention.
have emerged from long ago love and living arrangements, see communes falasterios, triads, stables, tribes, clans, etc. where la clave de un óptimo desarrollo es el respeto y el acuerdo. Han permitido relacionarse a diferentes niveles y han llevado a desarrollar ciertas reglas para su estabilidad, como la polifidelidad y exclusividad sexual; factores que se deben manejar con inteligencia y claridad. No mas en clandestinidad como aun lo hacemos pues contribuyen a su errónea concepción y a la generación de tabúes alrededor de ellos.
Son una realidad que no podemos negar y a la que en algún momento podemos enfrentarnos si queremos y si lo permitimos. Pueden ser formas que hagan la diferencia hacia el entendimiento y las relaciones armónicas si son bien llevadas.
Decimos que la comunicación y los acuerdos son parte fundamental e implican riesgos y responsabilidades which still continue to define and vary from person to person (as each head is a world) that makes him difficult to understand, not to differentiate the commitment of courtship, the couple's relationship or marriage. And here lies the main difference that makes it controversial.
fear is believed to relate in a committed way leads us to pursue this way of linking positions and ideologies inspired by human development that could justifiably construct alternative ways heterosexual model that continues to govern our society and that does not satisfy our way of life . The risk is to lose sight of these fundamentals in order to cause emotional setbacks, to which all we as humans are exposed, especially when we recognize that we are under a little education open to variations on the sexual and civic had no other options to recognize the position that was not legitimately a couple together.
Today, just beginning to take steps in that direction and begin to bequeath a right taken away before.
gesture from years ago the revolution of free love, that based on anarchism and feminism goes in search of a possible world where we leave open to love openly, without contracts and charges unreasonable.
is a struggle rebellious governing the tax status and make our societies and our daily lives fascia. It is a way of taking life or attitude towards it, allowing us to enjoy our sexuality as either exclusive polysexuality and even beyond labels like these. Bet on the free and responsible sexuality and comes to revolutionize prejudice and conservatism.
Many thinkers have tried to explain these types of relationships and especially to counter the cultural influence that comes with assumed in these modes of relating. Marxism, for example, sees it as a necessary change at the political level where revolutionary even from the everyday environment, a single building not part of another but seeks the exercise of individual right, a right that is realistic and questioning, which us away from conformity and on a common goal. In this case the people involved or related.
These types of love permitted unfettered socially, or to love more than one person taken to the metaphysical level, involve a deconstruction of love and ideological burdens that attach to the narrow view of sexuality which gives the dependence of women the autonomy of man and other behaviors that often uncomfortable we skip.
Far from the rosy view of love shown to it as a spiritual building to which way we deal with someone else. But it does imply a mature decision and sensible. Culturally
is as a way of life, and leads us to wonder whether or not it is possible to love more than one person, living raises equitable relations, honest, friendly and regains consciousness the other and the necessary communication that every relationship should entail.
As just be glimpsed here, these types of relationships that seem modern ... date and result of efforts and ideologies of the past that are struggling to settle. We speak then of conceptions
coming from minds and bodies like us, who may well be developed and atrophy as any organism in evolution and all come from an organic being. But think ...
If we ostensibly modern authorities in many ways ...
"Our relations will be affected as well?
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