By: Mario Cordova Godínez
Hello everyone. I write with pleasure hoping this article is to your liking and interest and above all helpful. From July, COLLEAGUE, OAC began a campaign for the Promotion of Rapid Tests for HIV and the great novelty, Syphilis also, both free and confidential called "Treat yourself to health and quality of life." Les
step information:
The Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is the agent that causes Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS). The rapid test is a screening test for antibodies that are related to HIV in the blood, which grow from approximately 12 weeks after the practice of risk. This is a reliable test and preliminary and need confirmation of positive results with a second rapid test or ELISA test and a third confirmatory test, Western Blot name.
new is the rapid test for syphilis. Around Guadalajara, COLLEAGUE, OAC is the only Civil Partnership applying this test for free and the procedure is identical to the rapid test for HIV.
We need to know also what is Syphilis, how to detect, how to prevent it and its stages.
Syphilis is a curable sexually transmitted infection caused by bacteria called Treponema pallidum. Syphilis is spread through through sexual contact or skin to skin by painless sores that appear on the penis, vagina, vulva and anus or elsewhere in the body and may disappear after 3 to 8 weeks. Since Syphilis causes genital ulcers, carries a higher risk of transmitting and acquiring HIV infection.
The diagnosis is based on a blood test to detect antibodies, similar to the rapid HIV test. Like most patients with syphilis show no symptoms for years, it is important to make timely, especially if we have had unprotected sexual practices. This will prevent infection from developing and pass a second stage, where symptoms such as: skin rashes, fever, swollen glands, hair loss in some areas, weight loss, fatigue, headache and unjustified. If these symptoms are not treated may disappear, but move to a final phase of the infection, which affects internal organs such as heart, brain, nervous and circulatory system, liver, bones and joints.
Syphilis is curable, but we must always protect ourselves we need to prevent transmission not only these two infections, but to protect any other viral in nature and those caused by fungi or parasites.
There are four ways to prevent transmission of HIV and Syphilis: Abstinence, Be faithful or sexual exclusivity, Erotic Sex Safe and Protected. A test for detection can go a colleague, or C or any other health institution in which they conduct these tests. In Colleague are free and simply call attention to ensure on time and the number 36187767 for appointment.
A hug for everyone and I leave a positive message:
Hasta Siempre.
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