By: Angel on July
contact fB_ AngelDj
days ace analyze each of my locks and
I come to you if only in words
another letter do not dare to send
downloading ideas and reasons to justify
reread and I feel that I am sincere
again or even speak my emotional side, which you do not even see
more is not the same being hypocritical
discreet as it was not easy to stand by your side
Cause when I'm alone with my conscience only company
and abnormal difference I hear my heartbeat
are present with an echo that I cry so heartless, lazy
gives me courage not want to understand and cope
as you do not mind whether or not we love to remember that once
Judge stated
you my feelings as false, as my being was killed
This is the day that makes the same collection of cynicism because I got more
you, or for companionship
nor miserable evasion or compassion Poquita
nor take away the desire or relieve itching
was for you and what you said you did not do things that
to be better each time and be like no
why would I not enmadejar this mess?
if I am more your memory and your horrible taste
If there are remedies for all and more than one exit
but has forgotten what it was and what he wanted
and although I hate to feel I can and I do not want
by look back to back and turn your heartburn reflux
Not to restart the importance and walk another way
going back to my childhood to heal I become sore
account will not exist as to forget
did not know how my days so sad in moments
Not because I wait for your call, that you've never done
not expecting anything because to come to support the roof
that comes to my face every time I remind you we are nothing
if ultimately nothing
we must let go before, without much of this fuss while
without resentment nor explain my feelings so much damage
un-aged or retain as much fear
without losing much time ... Why I can not you?
this Ill probably just loneliness
and you do not see yours and
disease that can cope well with other persons
loneliness and I can not blame you for refusing
know it would cost me is that is costing me
because I feel good even if not by your side
want to fight this that seems so innate that repels your
attention and makes you so ungrateful
That makes me see the most dramatic and unhappy
and every detail makes him so great
I feel valued more than pitied
whether you're with me or if you're gone now
not that time I filled the body
of these ideas that most sane brain tired
of so many sensations, feelings and passions that become ethereal
my exclamations railways
But they are all I have and everything that allocates
me what saddens me while I formed
not know if this is the beginning or a farewell
whether it be just for today or permanent measure is not
if that's what it was or not, which he did both
clouded my reason and my tears
ignored or how long it takes and whether I will relapse
but if there are more opportunities than lives
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