by: Lord Zober
contact @ Lord_zober
S ilencioso eternal is the wind. What will
beating the bottom of my body?, So much so that now I prey to uncertainty.
Where will you go? Once you take it with you to silence, you walk as the master of time believing you that you have the wind in your favor. Let
even find it in your eyes that you keep, I find those tracks on your lips take me after walking in the odd Suddenly while I force myself to think about the old eternal silent is the wind that knows every one of your secrets.
I discover where is the fragrance that exudes waking on my nose and I remember your eyes this time I wonder if that is what you would find in your wings that make me go back in flight.
do not know what this time has made me in your memory at once again has made me dream and the wind to blow magic again let me feel my face the sky.
volatile and ephemeral are the tears when contemplating the eternal innocence that shines in your eyes soft and elegant as the moon pearl which now gives me opportunity to think about you every night.
Walker and owner you as one who knows the way, leaving shine like a shooting star in the sky or leaving a thread of your scent emanating from your sensitive soul like dew to wake up every morning. This time
where do you find? What time? is to decline the day with his orange smell to again return the child to try to keep track of the stars at night with that lovely color called night.
not face this time with what will come, or how will your lips and arched brows, just know that love will come.
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